Maintaining organic traffic in a blog with consistency is a challenging task to maintain. Some people lose traffic within months when their blog generates a good amount of traffic. This happens when they don’t follow specific rules. I have discussed several ways to increase organic traffic to your blog and website in this post.
I have mentioned ten essential points related to organic traffic in this post. If you follow them regularly, your blog will have consistent organic traffic, which can also increase with time.
Do not miss these steps while blogging otherwise. You won’t get the desired results.
Must read: Reasons why your organic traffic dropped.
1. Become a pro.
The main thing in blogging is interest and maintaining consistency. If you don’t have an interest, you will get any fun while writing the blog, and due to this, you also won’t be consistent while writing the content.
Read more blogs
To write better blog posts, you need to gain knowledge, and before writing about any topic, you must research it deeply. To do so, you have to read others’ content first. Here are some tips you can follow.
- Visit the first 4-5 blogs and read the content.
- Look out for the things that unsatisfied you when you were reading. Make sure to write down things you were looking for and didn’t get.
- Also, look for other resources such as images, infographics, stats, and data.
Reading others’ blogs is a part of the research for your content. And people who ignore this end up creating non-competitive content.
Research before you write
Besides reading just blogs, you can watch youtube videos and read magazines. Also, if you write about educational-related content, always use https://scholar.google.com/ this link as it contains education-related content.
Doing these things makes you a knowledgeable person in a particular topic that you are blogging about.
Read More: Buying Organic traffic.
2. Add quality to your information.
The quality of the information depends on where you have taken the information. The quality of the information can make you stand out from other bloggers, which is how you can increase organic traffic.
How to get quality information?
For example, if you have created a blog related to the automobile industry, you need to do these things.
- Follow all automobile content creators. Look what they are talking about.
- Visit the official websites and look for news there.
- You can also use social media platforms by following the personalities related to this industry.
- Find information in magazines.
What things should you add to your blog content?
To add better things to your blog, do some of these things, and you will help search engines to get you a good amount of organic traffic.
- Use original images.
- Add data and tables to your blog.
- Add infographics made by you.
- Add videos if possible.
Using these things, your content will not only appear in the next section, but people may also find it in images and video searches.
Also Read: How long does it take to get organic traffic?
3. Create trustworthy content.
Trustworthy content contains reliable information linked to authoritative sources such as government sites, official pages, or company websites.
Gather information from reliable sources
There are the same things that I have told in the above two points. To build trust among the readers, you need to add quality to your content.
Building trust helps your content rank better. Also, if it has something interesting, people will share it with others.
Add proofs
For adding proofs, you can add
- Screenshots.
- Your own clicked image.
- Original product images.
4. Find evergreen topics.
Evergreen topics are best to maintain constant traffic on your site. However, finding the keywords for evergreen topics is not so easy. Let’s know about this thing in detail.
What are evergreen topics in blogging?
Evergreen topics in blogging are common keywords or queries people search for most of the time. Here are some examples of evergreen topics keywords.
- How do you change the charging port of a smartphone?
- How to run a marathon?
- What are the basic requirements to build a house?
- When do people celebrate international yoga day?
How does it help you?
Writing evergreen topics can help you out in multiple ways. Here are some advantages of writing an evergreen topic on your blog.
- Help your blog maintain organic traffic levels.
- Once the content is ranked at the top, you must keep updating it.
- Helps increase your site authority, and your blog gets promoted by users as they share the content.
Note: Writing an evergreen topic is not so easy. It takes months to outrank the competition and rank on top of the SERP. You need to write in detail about whatever niche you have chosen.
5. Use good SEO tactics
SEO plays an essential role in getting organic traffic. Without SEO optimizing the content, it would be tough for it to rank at the top of the search results. For SEO, focus on off-page,on-page, and technical SEO.
I have listed the various things in a super-easy way that you can include in your content. Practice these things are your content will rock.
On-page SEO
- Site structure – Make your site structure SEO friendly. It should have all essential pages, blog page header, footer, and good interlinkage with each other.
- Content structure – Your blogs should be easy to read and have bullet points, images, and headings where required.
- Titles and H tags – Use emotions and powerful words to make your title attractive. Also, use H1, H2, and H3 headings properly.
- Metatags – Tags and metatags are essential to let the search engine know what your content is about.
- Internal and external links – Internal linking can be done when you want to give references for similar content. External links are those that you take reference from any authoritative sources.
Off-page SEO
- Build links – Unique and popular content will get links from other sites quickly and naturally. These are called backlinks.
- Maintain E.A.T – Create well-researched content that should be effective, authoritative, and trustworthy.
- Social media marketing – Create content for social media pages and accounts too.
- Reviews – Get featured on others’ websites and make people talk about you. You can give interviews and write guest posts.
6. Write Eye-catching headlines
Writing interesting headlines can increase your site’s organic traffic. Avoid using lame and simple words on your headlines, as people would not click on them quickly.
Write words that look appealing.
Use powerful words while writing headlines, as people tend to click on appealing things.
For example

As you can see above, I have searched for the “best ways to make money online.” And in search results, oberlo has beaten Forbes. There are multiple reasons for it.
- Oberlo has more content length-wise compared to Forbes.
- It has a better headline which includes the number 28 and the power word “realistic,” which psychologically affects readers and makes them click it.
Write about controversial topics.
Using controversial lines and topics can also be used to get organic traffic. You have to keep an eye on the news about the topic you are writing about, or you can use these words to make people read your content.
- Quick.
- Banned.
- Kill.
- Must do.
These are some words that you can include in the headlines.
7. Publish with consistency.
Even if you are a hobby blogger, at least publish one post daily. This way, you will increase your blog’s presence online. Here are some tips for writing daily.
Tips for writing daily
- Create a weekly plan.
- Look for the competition.
- Write in small paragraphs.
Read the full article here at writing on daily blog writing.
8. Write longer content
Writing longer forms of content is better, as this is one of the ranking factors. You will get the best information by watching the above video.
How many words should you write?
There’s no official document that claims how much content you should write. However, when writing, you can group 2-3 similar questions users are looking for and answer them on a single page.
The longer content does not mean you can write anything on your blog. If the content contains good information in limited, it can rank and compete with other content.
9. Monitor things on the search console.
Most people ignore and don’t use the search console properly. The search console is one of the best tools to see your site’s performance.
Find queries and ranking keywords.
With the help of a search console, you can see which content is ranking and what people are looking for on your site.
By using the search console, you can see things like.
- Total clicks.
- Impression.
- And the position of the content.
10. Eliminate the useless content.
Nothing will happen if you delete the older content. Your aim should be to get at least 1000 page views from each piece of content you have written.
Delete older posts if they are not working
Deleting the older content or useless one will not make any changes. Instead, the content on your site will become more trustworthy, and your CTR may also increase.
Before you delete your older content, read these things.
- Your blog should be at least 3-5 months old.
- The traffic on non-performing blog posts should be 8-10 times lower than your performing posts.
- Ideal if you get less than 1000 page views per month and your blog is 4-5 years old, consider deleting the particular post.
When people visit your site organically for the first time, they may also want to look up other similar content.
11. Know your readers, make your content better
You should take suggestions from your readers by talking with them. Tell them to give suggestions thru comments, mail, or provide you with social media links so they can send you the queries.
Here’s what you can do.
- Provide social media links.
- Reply to them when they comment.
- Ask for new content ideas by doing polls on social media platforms.
I am sure I have listed out some of the best things that can help your blog to increase organic traffic on your blog. However, if you are reading this and have suggestions, you comment below I will make sure to add to the content.
Also, getting organic traffic is easy; you just have to follow all the guidelines from google and your blog with rock!
FAQ about increasing oranic traffic
What is the average increase in organic traffic each month?
If you add content every month, about 20-30 blog posts each month, your organic traffic will increase 10-20% if you maintain consistency or frequency of posting the content each month.