Are you looking for ideas to make your blog look unique?
At this time, it is difficult for you to create a blog that looks unique. The main reason is that doing this task consumes a lot of time and effort, and if you have just started, it can’t be done without teamwork.
It is hard but possible, and if you want to do it on your own, it may take you around a week or more.
But first, let’s understand what a unique blog is.
A blog with excellent content and a niche with outstanding design that can appeal to the readers to read more content can make your blog unique.
To have a unique one, I have listed some ideas here, which you can take a look at and implement on your blog.
Here are the ten things you should have on your blog to make it unique and stand out from other blogs.
1. Logo.
Many blog owners ignore their logos. To make your name in the blogging industry, you must do proper branding on your blog.
Most of the new bloggers use simple fonts to name their blogs. If you replace it with an attractive-looking logo, people can quickly identify that it’s your blog.
Use the same logos on social media platforms and accounts to make it clear that all these accounts belong to the same website owner.
2. Design.
The design is essential for a blog to bring uniqueness. First of all, do not copy anyone’s ideas or blogs design. Make your blog simple for your users to access, and they can read the content in the most effortless way possible.
You can test various themes and templates to make your blog’s design look good and focus on A/B testing to decide the version people like.
You must read this content – How A blog should look – 3 things you must include! To make your blog look unique.
3. Name.
The blog’s name is essential as it tells your readers about the content and type of website. While choosing a domain name, you must choose a name that is easy to remember and short. Please don’t choose a long domain name; sometimes, it looks fishy, and people might think of it as a scam website.
4. Niche.
One of the essential points on this list. Niche will decide your target audience and the readers you want to bring to your blog. Focus on one specific product or topic and write in-depth information about it.
Before finding or deciding on your niche, look first heat whether people are searching about it on the internet. Your blog will fail if you write about a topic with a low search volume.
5. Content.
Without good content, you cannot win the blogging game. There are thousands of bloggers out there to compete with them; you have only one thing: your content, and that is your content.
Bring uniqueness to your content by including stories, authentic images, self-shot videos, and graphics. Use them wherever it is necessary. And compare it with your competitors. Ensure you don’t forget to provide the information people are looking for.
6. Writing style.
When you write any content on your blog, keep it engaging and include exciting things. Start your content with a story and include real experiences as well. If you are writing about technical topics, keep your words simple and easy to understand.
If you are writing a review, keep your review in-depth and don’t copy the content from e-commerce sites.
7. Creativity.
Put creative ideas on your blog posts to make them look different from others. You can use memes, gifs, and videos to make your content long and graphically pleasing. Provide your readers with cheat sheets or free downloadable content thru emails.
Html codes can also be added to your content to create a small conversational software such currency converter or any other kind.
You can ask your readers which type of content they like by creating polls and surveys and writing similar things in the future.
8. Updates.
Many content writers and bloggers leave blogging when they do not get results such as traffic and making money from a blog. You should know that a blog starts to earn when it can provide good content to its readers.
At first, the content you have published may not be enough for an extended period. You have to add new things and update the old posts you have written in the past.
9. Interviews.
Conduct interviews with experts in your same niche. This will increase your blog authority; your readers can learn from other experts. Interviews are a kind of collaboration that will help your blog reach more audiences.
10. Giveaways.
You can give gifts by conducting giveaways on your blog. Create a Q&A, video editing, and photography contest that people can easily take part in sending to your blog to win exciting gifts and vouchers. This practice can be done if you have covered certain milestones.