How To Get Adsense Approval With a 1-Month-Old Blog?

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Adsense is among one the popular monetization platforms for bloggers and content publishers. Over 2 million users use this platfrom, but do you know what it takes to join Adsense?

If you recently started blogging and looking forward to monetizing your blog. The first thing that comes up in many bloggers’ minds is AdSense. Most people apply there, but the majority of blogs and website gets rejected due to a lot of reasons.

You can look at some of the essential reasons why you are not getting AdSense approval by clicking here.

There are some tips and tricks if you apply them to your blog, you will get approval quickly. These tips include following the eligibility requirements and complying with the policies of Google, which you will get to know if you read further.

Things your blog should have for AdSense approval.

The primary things any blog should have to get approval from any monetization platform are given here. Not only in Adsense, but if you want to join Ezoic, Adthrive, and Mediavine, they also require these things for your blog.

Read AdSense eligibility guidelines.

Your content should be original and unique.

As google mentioned, your content should have three basic things.

  • Originality – Original content has well-researched data that is never published on any other website or has unique information.
  • High quality – The content which provides information most easily without spamming users is known as high-quality content.
  • Attract the audience – Topics trending in the market, writing them benefits your blog and attract visitors to your site.

Easy site navigation and layout.

Your blog should be easy to navigate, and users can access information quickly. The main things that need attention in any blog are.

  • Menu bar.
  • Categories.
  • Archives.
  • About us page.
  • Contact us page.
  • Disclaimer.
  • Privacy policy.

Other than that, you add many other things to your site to make it accessible also, don’t forget to make the mobile version of your blog the same.

The age should be 18.

Age is essential if you want to make money from your blog. You need to be 18 years old to get payments from Adsense; otherwise, the only way left is to use your family member’s account to receive your earnings.


It would be better if you read all policies of Adsense before joining this platform. Doing so will clear all your doubts, and you will make fewer mistakes in your content; as well, getting approval will be a much faster process.

These are some vital things you should know about to get AdSense approval.

Strategies for getting approval in a month.

Some tips can help you to get your blog monetized in a month. Here I took this duration because after researching a lot on youtube, I learned that it is the easiest way and time to get approval from google.

Many people may have technical knowledge, and many don’t, so if you take a month, it will be easy for you to design your blog using WordPress, make a content strategy plan and execute it. You can read below for more details.

Make a plan before you create your blog.

Many bloggers create their plans, such as finding keywords or content ideas for their blog posts after they create their blog. But you have to be innovative, and if you have already decided on your niche, find keywords and create their outline before you set up your blog.

A list of 15-25 blog post ideas would be enough, and it will be better if you have already written them in docs when you create your blog; you have to just copy and paste them and schedule them to publish daily.

Cover easy topics on your niche.

At first, you should not worry about traffic on your blog. Also, in niche blogging, you have to cover all the topics in your niche, whether it has a high or low search volume. In the first month, you should cover low search volume.

Start linking them to each other.

After successfully publishing your articles, you can link them with each other and increase your off-page SEO strategy.

Things to avoid before you apply for monetization.

  • Don’t create more than three categories on your blog; if you have more than that, make sure each category has at least 3-4 blog posts.
  • Keep your blog post-user-friendly and always write answers on the top of the content in short later, you explain it by writing headings.
  • Avoid using images from google instead; use your clicked images or create graphics on your own.
  • Carefully write about us and the privacy page. Don’t just copy it from the page generator. Invest time in writing these pages.

How much does google Adsense take to approve your site for monetization?

I submitted five blogs till now in AdSense between 2018-2020, and all of them were approved within 3 days. At first, my first blog was rejected 3-4 times, but I learned from my mistakes and learned more about blogging with time.

FAQ about AdSense approval

How much word limit does it require to get AdSense approval?

Adsense does not look at word limits. It focuses on the quality of content and sometimes quantity as well. If you write short posts, make sure it is more than 30, and if you write long posts, 15-20 is fine.

Can you buy an Adsense account?

Buying an Adsense account is illegal, and google blocks an account if it finds that someone is using another’s account.

Can you get your AdSense account monetized with no content on it?

Yes, it is possible if your website has a tool or utility online software, you can monetize it if you are getting organic traffic.

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Manish Pandey
Manish Pandey

Hi, I am Manish Pandey, this blog's author and content writer. I primarily focus on content related to Digital Marketing, Blogging, and SEO. I have been blogging since 2017 and have over 5+ years of experience. Hope I will try to put some helpful content for you.

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